Please join the movement to cheer up our seniors!
In the notes section, please write how you would like your signature line to read on the note we include with your Balloon Buddy (Love the Kades family, Love Francine, Love a special friend, etc.). If nothing is written there, we will do our standard signature with your name and last name.
These are some suggested donation amounts
1 Grandparent = $27.15
2 Grandparents = $54.30
3 Grandparents = $81.45
4 Grandparents = $108.60
5 Grandparents = $135.75
6 Grandparents = $162.90
7 Grandparents = $190.05
8 Grandparents = $217.20
9 Grandparents = $244.35
10 Grandparents = $271.70
Suggested price: $27.15